How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? - Ajit Patel UK
It is often noted that the best amount of sleep is between six to seven hours a night, but for some, that can be either too little – or for fewer, too much. Burning the midnight oil may be a sign of unnatural strength, but insomnia is no trivial matter; for the political titan, the late Margaret Thatcher, it was something of an characteristic. Considered a mark of endurance, the late-to-bed-early-to-wake routine may be something of a superhuman power, but how good is it in the long-run? In a high-profile, heavily-demanding job, the pressures of a businesslike lifestyle is not one that should be taken lightly. Whilst something of a trophy, surviving on four hours of sleep is not the sign of a healthy body or a sound mind; although, in some cases, there is competition to see which person has the least amount of sleep. The hours are long, the time is short and having free time is something of a luxury. It is suggested that the type of job that you have will adjust your need fo...