Why REAL Christmas trees are best - Ajit Patel UK

An estimated eight million real Christmas trees are purchased every year in the UK, compared with two million that are fake. They may be four times as popular, but studies also show a real tree is five times more environmentally friendly than one that's artificial. Why? Because these lovely pines, firs and spruces have a significant impact on air quality. An acre of Christmas trees produces enough daily oxygen for sixteen people, while a hectare absorbs six tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. They can also be mulched and recycled. Real Christmas trees have a fresh, uplifting scent thanks to their resins and essential oils that clear the sinuses and focus the mind. Just stopping to enjoy a decorated Christmas tree is enough to relieve stress and anxiety levels, which are often high at this time of year. And if you buy a container-grown tree, or root-balled tree, you can keep it in your garden to enjoy throughout the year. Make sure you water and feed your live tree regularly during the year, and chances are you can use it again next year, either decorating it in the garden, or repotting into a larger container to bring back indoors. If you buy a tree with bare roots, soak them well before potting the tree in moist earth. The roots allow the tree to 'drink' and hold onto its needles if you continue watering it regularly. There is even a chance it will survive if planted out after Christmas, though it's best to select a root-balled or container-grown tree if you want to plant it. If you opt for a cut tree, select one whose needles look fresh rather than dull or dried, and give it a gentle shake to ensure the needles aren't ready to drop. When you get it home, keep it outside in a cool, shady place, standing in water. Then, when you are ready to bring it in for decoration, the British Christmas Tree Growers Association suggest you cut half an inch off the bottom of the trunk, to open up the pores of the tree. Then mount it in a water-holding stand, or wedge it in a bucket (with pebbles or small stones) that you can top up with water, every day, to keep it fresh for as long as possible. 

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