
Showing posts from June, 2017

Easy Weight Loss Tips to Banish Teenager Weight Woes - Ajit Patel UK

If you’ve gained weight as a secondary school student or since you’ve gone to college,  there are many ways to change your lifestyle to see great weight loss results. To begin with, exercise is hugely important and doesn’t feature very prominently in most teens’ schedules. There are so many benefits though, not just to your weight – you’ll have an improved sense of wellbeing, lower risk of diabetes and stroke, and better cardiovascular health. Most people dread the thought of working up a sweat and building their heart rate up, but the benefits are so huge. Exercise can be as intense or slow paced as you want, depending on what you choose, but as long as you’re moving and your heart rate has quickened, anything goes – from jogging around the block to dancing in your living room! The best way to motivate yourself is to make your workout fun, so try different things out to see what you like. You can also make changes to your everyday routine such as using the stairs instead of the ...

Wish to Maintain Your Weight? Try These Quick 10 Minute Tips - Ajit Patel UK

Ten minutes may not be a lot of time, but it could be all the time you need to see great results on your body and weight loss. One of the most common reasons people give for not being able to lose weight is a lack of time, so what if you could see results from just a short burst of energy and planning each day? If you don’t give yourself to plan healthy meals or fit in an effective physical workout, you won’t be able to find quick alternatives that work for you. The range of choice diminishes with a lack of pre-thought, meaning you’ll have to rely on fast food, frozen ready meals and limited exercise – none of which are contributions that result in great weight loss success. Here are some tips that could really see you stick to and benefit from your weight loss plan, and all you need to provide is ten minutes of your time. At work Instead of making that cup of coffee on your elevenses, why not take a walk around the block? Ten minutes of brisk walking is a great form of exerc...

Get SMART: How to Walk Your Way to Weight Loss - Ajit Patel UK

There’s something very appealing about walking to lose weight. Any kind of exercise can be beneficial to your overall wellness, but the fact that something as gentle and enjoyable as walking can also minimise your waistline still seems somewhat surprising. Nonetheless, by taking a few key actions, you can take to effectively, safely and consistently lose weight through your walking routine. The name of the game is to stay motivated, burn more calories than you consume (3,500 calories less for every pound of weight you want to lose) and to look after your wellbeing. 1. Keep a close eye on your diet:  It sounds simple, but the key to avoiding over-eating is to be aware of what you are eating. It’s all-too easy to lose track of exactly what and how much food you consume, so make a record of everything you eat and drink so that you can keep on top of things. The main idea is to just record everything and raise your awareness, but if you want to record the calories each item conta...

Could Your Metabolism be to Blame for Your Weight? - Ajit Patel UK

Metabolism is defined as the rate at which our bodies  burn calories  when we are resting, known as the basal metabolic rate. Our  bodies burn  around 60-75 percent of our energy when we’re resting – meaning our metabolic rate impacts heavily on our weight loss efforts. The metabolism rises when we begin to move around, which is why people with more muscles burn calories more easily, because it takes more fuel to maintain the muscle than it does to maintain fat. The more exercise we get, the more we want. For people with a low metabolism, going to a quick run around the block or hitting the gym for an hour-long session sounds like a complete nightmare – they’d sooner sit and watch television. This reluctance to exercise, coupled with added fat, high blood pressure and high cholesterol is known as ‘the metabolic syndrome’. One in every five overweight people have this problem. It’s a serious matter, as it can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular or  kidn...

Improving your Health Simply - Ajit Patel UK

If you want to become healthier, it might be necessary to closely consider your life-style and how you can change it in order to enhance your wellbeing. The idea of doing this may well be extremely daunting for some people, but fortunately you can improve your heath by making fairly minor adjustments to the way you do things. Firstly, it is wise to eat as many natural foods as possible and as a rule the more naturally-colourful they are, the better they are for you. This can include a whole range of fruit and vegetables, which are easier for the body to digest and are rich in the nutrients your body requires to function properly. It’s quite likely you already include many of them in your diet – so just try to eat a few more. Sometimes, people can underestimate the importance of staying fully hydrated. Whilst most fluids can help you to stay hydrated, water is always the best option for drinking regularly as it is natural and can be absorbed by the body effortlessly. Our bodies ar...

Wait Before You Brush - Ajit Patel UK

Everyone knows that brushing your teeth regularly is important, but don't do it too soon after eating. Dentists warn that if you brush within 20 minutes of finishing a meal, you could force acid from food and drink deeper into the enamel of your teeth, to cause pitting. Simply waiting for 30 minutes after a meal or drink is long enough to avoid these negative effects. For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellnes s Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Dealing with Thyroid Problems - Ajit Patel UK

A fully functional thyroid gland is essential for the body, as without it, effective metabolism would be compromised. An unbalanced metabolism could lead to a variety of health disorders which could ultimately lead to the onset of a range of chronic illnesses, so observing the health of your thyroid is essential. One of the first diseases that may arise as the result of a poorly-functioning thyroid is hypothyroidism – which is caused by the swelling of the gland. This can lead to hormonal imbalance, obesity, insomnia and depression, and can have a devastating impact upon mental and physical wellbeing. Fortunately, there are highly effective ways in which thyroid health can be safe-guarded, which should not prove to be too much of a disruption to your day-to-day life. As with other aspects of your health, in order to promote thyroid health, it is important to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Generally, the greener it is, the better it is for you, and every day ...

How Beneficial Is A Massage After Exercise? - Ajit Patel UK

Whether you exercise in the gym, swimming pool, cycle, run or practice martial arts; you need to find ways of healing stretched and damaged muscles. Your muscles can also get very sore and stiff, which may inhibit your training for the next few days or even weeks. For this reason it is advisable to find the best method to soften your muscles and release the tension of intense exercise. Massage therapy has undergone a great deal of scientific research over the years and is now proven to be highly beneficial as a complementary therapy for your general wellbeing. It comes as no surprise that most leading sports personalities take a massage after strenuous exercise, as the following research helps to prove. A study on the effect of massage after strenuous exercise by the McMaster University and the Buck Institute for the Research on Aging proved that the muscles massaged showed reduced levels of the proteins tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6.The reduction of the amount of...

What Are The Many Amazing Qualities of Royal Jelly? - Ajit Patel UK

Royal Jelly, the ‘milk’ of bees, is a highly regarded complementary herbal medicine. Derived from the bee’s honey making process, this pure and natural substance is packed with vitamins and nutrients that are reputed to help our wellbeing in many ways. As a natural substance made by the hard work of bees, it is realistic to assume that these healthy nutrients should be absorbed by our bodies quite easily. This makes Royal Jelly a brilliant resource of vitamins and minerals that contain all the necessary ingredients to help you maintain a high level of wellness. It is important to point out that you have to take care when taking Royal Jelly just in case you are allergic to it. If you are taking it via the mouth or the skin just try a little at first and wait a few hours to make sure you know if you have a reaction before you try the full doses. Also, if you have any medical condition or are pregnant you should consult a medical Doctor before taking Royal Jelly. This is also import...

Royal Jelly: A Natural Alternative To Toxic Skin Care - Ajit Patel UK

UK shoppers spend billions of pounds on beauty products each year but most contain very few or no natural healing properties whatsoever. Studies conducted on regular make-up and beauty product users found that their blood contained high levels of toxic substances such as parabins. These chemicals form the base materials for many beauty products and are a by-product of the petrochemical industry. Many modern beauty and moisturising products are just an expensive way of adding more toxic chemicals to your body that only temporarily moisturise your skin. If you use a lot of these beauty products, the chemicals that get absorbed into your body from them can strain your kidneys and urinary system as they try to leach out these noxious chemicals. You should therefore take advantage of the natural healing qualities of herbs, spices and other naturally formed substances abundant in the world and available today from many shops and the internet. One that has been known for thousands of ye...

Are Ayurvedic concepts The New Way to Beautify? - Ajit Patel UK

For centuries, Ayurvedic treatments and systems have been used to treat illnesses, boost one’s wellbeing and improve your way of life. But there could be a new sector for this ancient system to be used in now – the beauty industry. According to new research, Ayurvedia is set to be at the forefront of the cosmetics and beauty industry, keeping in line with the more natural approach that many people are opting to take with their lifestyles, diets and weight loss regimes. Ayurvedic treatments take a natural and holistic approach to life, from treating illnesses to improving wellbeing through exercise and mental approach. With so many people choosing a lifestyle that aims to be closer to nature, such as organic produce and natural weight loss regimes that shy away from pills and fad diets, this way of working could lend itself well to the beauty industry’s demands for fewer chemicals but better results. Many people are aware of the dangers of chemicals in and on their bodies, but are a...

Facts from Fiction: Those Cold and Flu Myths Debunked - Ajit Patel UK

From chicken soup to starving a fever, everyone has a favourite remedy for curing the cold and flu. But how do you separate the old wives’ tales from the reality? Here are 5 myths debunked and facts confirmed. Feed a cold and starve a fever:  the ultimate old wives’ tale, this is just plain old bunkum. When you have the flu, you are likely to lose your appetite naturally because the virus will make you feel nauseous. So long as you maintain your fluid levels and don’t become dehydrated, you can eat as much or as little as you like while you’re stricken with the cold or flu. Wash your hands to stop viruses spreading:  this is a certifiable fact. Viruses are easily spread and you can pick one up simply by touching a door handle or any other object that’s been touched by someone with a cold or flu virus. Wash your hands thoroughly and make sure you don’t rub your eyes, nose or mouth, as this is the quickest way to transmit the infection. Antibiotics will clear the cold or f...

Can You Benefit From Reiki Or Pranic Healing? - Ajit Patel UK

There are many ailments that many of us would like to be rid of. How would you like to be able to make a throbbing headache go away, relieve a toothache, reduce swelling, alleviate the symptoms of hypertension, remove phobias or even empower yourself to lose weight or gain wealth? Well, According to the practices of two different ‘new age’ alternative medicines – reiki and pranic healing – you can do any of these things. A Filipino-Chinese businessman, known as Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, developed and first promoted pranic healing in Manila in the Philippines in the late 1980s. Meanwhile, the Japanese guru Mikao Usui devised the Reiki System of Healing in the early 1900s, and it has since become enormously popular worldwide. Both work on the basic idea that disease happens when one or more of the so-called “chakras”, which means an energy centre, is not functioning well due to any number of factors. So let’s take a look at these two forms of healing and see how they are supposed ...

Using The Right Oils For Your Health - Ajit Patel UK

Oil gets a bad name sometimes. It’s a bad word – we associate it immediately with fat and gaining weight and that can make many people shy away from oils and try to remove them for their diet entirely. But this isn’t a good idea; some oils can actually be very beneficial to your health especially when they are used in moderation. But what are the right oils to use, and how to you know that you are doing the right thing? These days there are loads of different oils to choose from: rapeseed, groundnut, extra virgin, and the list just goes on and on. We no longer live in a wonderful where ‘olive oil’ is exotic; if anything it has become a standard that we all adhere to. The best choice is usually plant oils as they are generally higher in monounsaturates and polyunsaturates, which makes them better for you than most animal fats which generally contain higher levels of  saturated fats . Replacing saturated fats in your diet with unsaturated fats is generally very good for you. On...

Feel Devilishly Good: How Devil’s Claw Relieves Arthritis - Ajit Patel UK

You wouldn’t think that something called Devil’s Claw is beneficial to your wellbeing, but the complementary wellness therapy has long been used in native African medicine. Its fruit is covered with sharp curved spines, hence the name, and Devil’s Claw has been used in a wide range of conditions, such as muscle pains, digestive problems, headaches, fever and skin inflammation. In the early 1900s, Dr Mehnert, a German pioneer, first noticed the dramatic success of the  root tuber  of this African herb, and so Devil’s Claw began to gain popularity in Europe. Today, the root tuber is often used in supplements to treat many types of aches and pains. Wellness experts the effectiveness of Devil’s Claw down to it’s content of harpagosides. Research shows that this vital ingredient has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and so this makes Devil’s Claw a useful remedy for a wide variety of joint conditions. Back pain can be effectively relieved with Devil’s Claw. Accordin...

Get Back to Nature: How to Create Your Own Garden Retreat - Ajit Patel UK

This bank holiday weekend, many of us hit the local garden centres, and were inspired to get our gardens in tip top shape for summer. However, if you missed out there’s still plenty of time to work on your little patch of heaven, no matter how much of a space you have to work with. Whether you have a few pots on a balcony or patio, or a large area in which you can lovingly nurture your veggies, fruit trees or flowers, anyone’s garden can be a healing sanctuary, offering balm to your over-stressed, over-networked modern soul. A true garden retreat is a real complementary wellness escape, and is so much more than a place in which to grow a few plants to raise your property values. Your garden gives you the opportunity to get back to nature, and get in touch with the sacred. You can be a part of this amazing, mysterious universe you’re in, and make seemingly incidental objects, such as bird baths, wind chimes and garden “sculptures” or special stones, into important elements in the cr...

Could Chinese Herbs be More Toxic than Western Drugs? - Ajit Patel UK

While the popularity of complementary wellness therapies stems from a desire to move away from nasty chemicals, many of these remedies are just as toxic to your wellbeing as Western drugs. This is according to new research from Greenpeace, which has found that many traditional Chinese herbal medicines sold in western countries contain a “cocktail” of pesticide residues which exceed safe levels. According to Greenpeace, traditional Chinese herbs are becoming increasingly known and accepted in the west. We purchase them here for medicinal use, and the export market in 2011 was worth £1.5bn. Clearly, we’re fans of these herbs, but 32 out of the 36 tested were found to contain residues of three or more pesticides. Of the 36 samples of herbal products imported from China, including chrysanthemum, wolfberry, honeysuckle, dried lily bulb, san qi, Chinese date and rosebud, almost half (17) had residues of pesticides which the World Health Organisation (WHO) considers to be highly hazardous...

How to use Ayurveda to help Improve your Physical Wellness - Ajit Patel UK

Ayurveda is a type of complementary medicine that is designed to heal, promote wellbeing and promote wellness through a range of alternative treatments. Many people first come into contact with Ayurveda through ayurvedic massage. This is a full body massage that is carried out by two therapists at the same time, working in a synchronised motion. A large quantity of oil infused with herbs is used, and these herbs are a very important part of the ayurvedic treatment. As the body absorbs the oils, the herbs help to liquefy any toxins, and these are then eliminated from the body as fluid, restoring the health and wellbeing. There are ayurvedic healing centres springing up all over the place, offering authentic ayurvedic medicine. Far from being a mystical or mythical form of treatment, however, Ayurveda is a science that is studied at length in India and is appreciated in a similar way to medical science. People can study Ayurveda in the same way that they would study for a medical d...

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine Normally Used for? - Ajit Patel UK

Traditional Chinese Medicine, often abbreviated to TCM, is a variety of different complementary medicinal practices which have been developed in China over the past 5,000 years. These include acupuncture, herbal medicine, exercise, massage and dietary therapy. The medicine is based on something called Yinyangism (derived from the Yin-Yang theory and comprising of five phases). Widely used in the US, TCM is on the increase, with a study in 1997 estimating that there are around 10,000 practicians improving the wellness of around 1 million patients every year. TCM is fundamentally different to traditional medicine in that the ancient Chinese perception is of humans not as individuals but as microcosms, connected to the larger surrounding universe and forces. Yin and Yang form an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and this originated in the Shang Dynasty (1600 – 1100BC). Yin and Yang represent two complimentary forces that the world is made up of – the fire aspect and ...

The Benefits of Cognitive Therapy - Ajit Patel UK

In the past, many conventional forms of psychotherapy have focused on the patient and practitioner exploring the past, summed up by the well-known phrase associated with the therapy, “tell me about your childhood”. However as with most therapies, there have been changes to psychotherapy and the manner in which it’s practiced over the years, and today cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT is widely used. CBT differs from previous forms of psychotherapy as it explores very much what is happening in the “here and now”, rather than encouraging patients to recollect what happened to them years ago and how those experiences may have had an impact on present situations and the way they think about things today. Dr Stuart Eisendrath, a professor of clinical psychiatry, at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute at the University of California emphasises this point further, “If someone wants to get to Tahoe from San Francisco, you don’t necessarily need all the details of how they got to San ...

The Multiple Techniques of Yoga - Ajit Patel UK

Whilst yoga is undertaken as a physical therapy and activity to reduce stress and strain and optimise the body’s physical, psychological and physiological systems, there are many different types taught by different practitioners to achieve a multiple of outcomes. The techniques you may experience, will depend very much on the preferences of your practitioner, but are likely to include one or more of the following: Integral  yoga is designed to be used as part of your everyday routine and is also thought of as a technique that can enhance the cultural, professional and artistic aspects of your life and those who practice it. The  Suddha Raja  technique incorporates the use of processes also associated with meditation, called,  mantras.  These are used in order to achieve a meditative state deep enough to allow you to clear your mind and locate inner peace. The  Laya  approach can help you to develop your personality and objectively observe the sort ...

The Benefits of Training in Yoga - Ajit Patel UK

As Yoga is a highly complex mental and physical discipline, it is necessary to have a comprehensive knowledge of it if you wish to become a practitioner yourself. As Yoga was conceived in India, some of the most accomplished yoga teachers can found there, and will arguably be able to provide a greater understanding of how to conduct yoga instruction than teachers in other parts of the world. The courses whether they’re residential or non-residential will teach you all you need to know about the discipline, including: the many different types of relaxation techniques, how postures and body positioning can be attained, and what they are used for, and how meditative states can be achieved. Indeed, the courses will focus on all of the physical, psychological and physiological aspects of yoga that are used to enhance people’s wellness, giving you the confidence and expertise to teach it yourself. Anyone, from any background can apply for these courses, and you require no formal traini...

Ways to wean your family off sugar - Ajit Patel UK

We know it’s bad for  us, but that doesn’t  always seem to matter.  Sugary foods and  drinks just taste so  darn good!  As human beings, it’s  not always easy to  resist things that are  bad for our health.  However, Britain’s  addiction to sugar is  so serious that a ‘sugar  tax’ aimed at making  unhealthy products less  affordable (and thus  less appealing) has  already been unveiled. A report by Cancer Research UK  and the UK Health Forum showed  that a 20% tax on sugary drinks could  reduce obesity rates by 5% in the UK  by 2025. That’s the equivalent of 3.7  million fewer obese people. Whether  or not the government enforces an  official sugar tax remains to be seen,  and the reality is that we cannot  afford to wait around for it to come  into force. We need to take action  ourselves.  Three big reasons to  give up sugar Carly ...